Monthly Archives: August 2022

What Are the Benefits of Fuel System Cleaning?

What Are the Benefits of Fuel System Cleaning?

A clean fuel system goes hand-in-hand with a healthy and good-performing engine. You need fuel to accelerate and run. Therefore, the cleaner your fuel system, the more efficiently your engine will burn fuel. That means more power and higher fuel economy: a win-win for you.   After many years of being on the road, your car will collect some dirt and debris in the fuel tank. Fortunately, this stuff gets sifted out of the fuel before it moves through your engine. But, what happens when the fuel filter is clogged too? The contaminants will get to the fuel injectors and eventually the cylinders.     If your fuel system is dirty, you could experience major problems with the combustion process. So that is why the experts at International Sport Motors recommend regular fuel system cleanings. We recommend referring to your owner’s manual or ask your service advisor to determine when you might need this done.   A professional fuel system cleaning at Internati ... read more